65+ Home Care

At Foveo Cleaning Ltd., we take pride in our commitment to the Christchurch community. We understand the importance of a clean and tidy living environment, especially for those in the golden years of their lives. That's why we offer discounted cleaning services exclusively to individuals over 65 years of age. Our team will provide a free consultation to assess the cleaning requirements and apply a generous discount, ensuring our valued senior citizens can enjoy a spotless and welcoming home environment.
Do you or know someone who needs this service ?
Help Your Community!

Our commitment to providing a clean and healthy environment for everyone extends beyond our regular cleaning services. With our donation program, you or your company can contribute any amount towards providing free cleaning services for those who need it the most. We keep our donors informed of who and how their contributions have impacted, and showcase them on our social media channels. Be a part of the solution and help us make our community a better place.